Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Lanvin ♥ H&M

H&M siempre una de mis favoritas y ahora con la colaboración del diseñador Alber Elbaz, director creativo de Lanvin. Con femeninas siluetas trae consigo toda la firma de Lanvin a la colección. La espera terminó esta mañana con las primeras imágenes de la colección y el video completo.

"What does luxury mean today? Can luxury be exclusive and democratic at the same time? How can we translate the essence of luxury to a wider audience? The world around us is changing rapidly and I find myself asking these questions more and more,".A designer's work is usually tailored to a very small group of people, but the collection for H&M was about trying to translate the dream of luxury to the masses. It was almost like going back to school for me." dijo Ebaz para Vogue.

Kali Gv.

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